Only $979 Per Month!As Low as $979 Per Month! *Finance Incentive Included2025 Yamaha Boats 255XD
The Ultimate Jet-Powered WakesurferThe 255XD, with its combined 500 horsepower, features cutting-edge DRiVE X technology, exceptional wakesurf performance, and a stylish design.
Features may include:
COCKPIT AND BOWSnap-In Custom Cut Marine-Grade MatSki LockerRemovable Dinette Table with Pedestal Mount at SternBow Filler Inserts for Multiple Seating ConfigurationsHinged Seat CushionsTilt SteeringUpgraded Steering WheelUpgraded UpholsteryChil-Cool Vinyl UpholsteryAdjustable Captain's chair with Flip-Up BolsterPassenger-side Captain's ChairPortside Entertainment AreaLockable Passenger Side Glove BoxWalk-through Bow DoorIntegrated Removable CoolerEnclosed Head Compartment w/ Wardrobe Storage Features, Upholstered Interior & LightGalley with Stow-in-Place Table and StorageDocking LightsCourtesy Deck LightingSternIntegrated Swim PlatformUpholstered Cushioned SeatsUpholstered Cushioned Backrests Articulating12-volt OutletStainless Steel Telescopic Reboarding LadderDinette Table MountCustom Cut Marine-Grade MatStern (Wet) StorageTechnicalDRiVE XConnext Screen (in) 12.3Display w/ MapsYamaha E-Series FeaturesDrive-By-Wire TechnologyHelm Switch Panels Blue LED LitWireless Charging Points 1Marine Speakers (7) Premium Hertz SpeakersTower Speakers (2) Premium Hertz SpeakersStern Stereo RemoteStern Speakers3 position "No Wake Mode" ControlCruise AssistBattery Setup DualQuiet Cruise TechnologyIntegrated Ballast SystemToe-in Jet Nozzle PositionIntegrated Electric WakeBoosterUnderwater LightEngines and DrivelineDisplacement (per engine) 1812ccFuel Capacity 75 GALRecommended Fuel Premium Unleaded160 MM High-Pressure PumpPump Clean-out PortsOil Capacity per Engine (L) 3.7ExteriorStainless Steel Bow RailsStainless Steel Pop-Up Cleats 7Tow HookBiminiTM Top ExtendedPremium Windshield FrameAluminum Folding Wakeboard Tower with Tow HookWakeboard RacksWindshield Mirror Billet AluminumYamaha Wake-enhancing HullTrailerPainted Trailer with Swing-away TongueSpare Tire and Mount