4 row Landoll 4400 no till planter. 36 rows, can be narrowed down to 30 rows.
Gary, MN

Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 3
Views: 86
4 row Landoll 4400 no till planter. 36 rows, can be narrowed down to 30 rows. Bought new by my father in law in 1994 or so. Planted about 70 acres of corn each year with it from 1994 to retirement in 2019. Has always been shedded and well taken care of. Has a monitor as well. Landoll planters are based off the Allis Chalmers units (bought the Allis planter line in 1993), parts are still available. Located near Urbank MN. Asking $4500, message me or call me at 218-930-zero192 if interested. Thank you.


Planting/Tillage Equipment TypesPlanters
Tillage ManufacturerLANDOLL

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Placeholder profile imageDylan.sather
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