I'm looking for a Mid 80's(555)(555A)(555B) Ford Backhoe
Jamestown, ND

Watching: 6
Views: 934
I'm not sure if this is gonna make any sense in what i'm posting or looking for?????

but here it goes! but i'll do my best....

I'm in searching of a certain Ford Tractor Loader Backhoe I

with low hours on it (555)(555A)(555B)

Looking to have (the 4 lever sticks) to run backhoe. (NOT the 2 - joy stick levers)

Only for a 2wd Backhoe, No extended-hoe or the 4wd

the only thing that i would be doing is my own landscapping, snow removal

OK - i'll get to the point right now!!!!!

Only looking to do $100.00 monthly payments if possible to rent to own!

i know these backhoes are out there. Not for if im gonna end up finding one.

MUST have low hrs on machine

i really don't want one that has problems or any type oil leaks of any sort! plus if it has high hrs on it. im not interested


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User profile imageT.J.
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